Monday, March 14, 2016

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh

This is the fourth book I have read by Buddhist monk Thich Nhah Hanh (or Thay, as some refer to him) and it was by-far my favorite. I consider myself a Buddhist and Thay was a big part of bringing me on this path. Prior to this I had read some of his books on specific things but I had not read anything that was on Buddhism as a whole. So I was very excited to begin reading The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching.

Thich Nhat Hanh's light shines through the words and his explanations are not just lists or descriptions, but true explanations of how to implement the elements of Buddhism into one's daily life. I hate referring to Buddhism as a religion, because to me it is more of a life practice, but from what I have read this is as close to a Buddhist "bible" as I have come, (aside from the Nikayas, but that is another story). He writes about the basic elements of Buddhism as well as some of the more complicated elements. He explains the difference between the three main Buddhist schools of thought as a sort of guide for anyone looking to study further. He quotes Buddha and gives his own interpretations. It was just a great book overall.

The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching is one I want to carry everywhere with me and keep by my bed. It is one I want to reread in sections and as a whole. It is not a book I would recommend unless you are interested in Buddhism or are a Buddhist. Simply because it is a very comprehensive book and might seem dull to someone who tried to read it just for fun. However, if this type of thing does appeal to you, it is a must read. Not only was it comprehensive but it was written in a way that did not make it boring which I think is so important when one is trying to truly learn. Let me know if you read it or have read it and share your thoughts in the comments!

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