Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

This was the fifth or sixth time I have read The Time Traveler's Wife. When I first read the book it was right after I saw the film and then I read it every year at least once. But it has now been about four or five years since I picked it up and a lot of life has happened to me. I always love rereading books but especially books that I consider a favorite because I like to see how my perception of the book changes as I have changed. In the case of The Time Traveler's Wife, I have not read the book since I got married and lost my baby. I will not use this post as a personal reflection about those experiences and this book, but I will say that after rereading it this time I felt that I understood the characters on a deeper level and parts of me felt more healed. I also made the exciting discovery that my husband and I share the same wedding anniversary as Henry and Clare, and some deep nerdy, bookwormy part of me was really happy about that. All in all I finished the novel loving it more than I have ever loved it in my past read throughs. This is a beautiful piece of literature, let me tell you why.

Audrey Niffenegger does a fantastic job of explaining time travel. It is not something that Henry understands so of course the reader cannot fully understand either, but I feel like she does a good job at not losing the reader when jumping through time. It helps that each section begins with the complete date as well as the ages of Henry and Clare at that time. This time I felt that I understood the time traveling in a better way and perhaps she meant for it to be that way. I love that Niffenegger also writes the novel from both Henry and Clare's perspectives. It adds so much to the depth of the story and their romance.

I have long considered this novel to be one that every couple should read. The characters are so real and even though their problem is extraordinary, unless we all time travel and I just did not know, they still handle the issues that come with it in a very human way. There are sensual moments and funny moments and heartbreaking moments. Every page of this book is filled with wonder and life. Many questions and themes are talked about and in some ways this book is more philosophy than romance. Questions about time and how it works or what it is, questions about fate and cause and effect, questions about meaning; these are all elements of The Time Traveler's Wife. Books that are beautiful are one thing, but books that are beautiful while also making you think are quite another thing. A rare thing.

This novel spans so much time that it would make or a lengthy post if I picked it apart thoroughly. So I am not going to do that. I also think that it is a novel everyone should experience for themselves, (I know I have said this about other novels but this is a big one), thus I do not want to spoil parts of the story. I will just say that my favorite parts are some of the more ordinary moments between Henry and Clare, which I feel is what Niffenegger wanted for the reader because these are the moments Henry and Clare love as well. I love that this book has so many cultural references and is full of so much poetry. This was the first book I ever dog-eared and it has more pages eared than not. I love that this book is not a romance novel entirely and not a science ficton novel entirely. It is hard to categorize in fact. It simply is, which is maybe another purposeful point made by the author.

Read this book. Read it because when you finish it you won't be dreaming of a better partner, you will want to love your partner more. Read it because it will break your heart but in the best way. Read it because you will love it. My reading of it this time left me feeling full and it was the first time that I finished this book and immediately wanted to dive back into its pages. This is not a book I would recommend to everyone though, it is a special book. One I would only give to a select few people in my life, which is a bit like love in a way I suppose and this book is full of love. See the film but not until after you have read the book. Know that this book will captivate you and so you must have a good chunk of time set out to read it. And most of all know that The Time Traveler's Wife will change you in some way but that, for me anyway, that is the best part of it all.

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