Monday, May 9, 2016

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

I told my whole Harry Potter life story here, so I am going to jump into this review. This is the first HP book I have not read all the way through as I always struggled to finish it. Once I got past the world cup this time I knew I'd complete the novel. I was actually surprised that I ended up loving this book as much as the third book!

I loved Hermione's obsession with saving house elves via S.P.E.W. (I've been scouring Etsy for spew pins because I need one!). I really enjoyed how much more in depth this novel was with Hogwarts education and how much more Sirius Black is in this book than in the fourth movie. The other schools were interesting to learn about, even if the knowledge was minimal. And of course I loved reading about the tasks of the Tri Wizard Tournament. The second task in the lake is my favorite, visually in the movie, and description in the book. (Although I hated that they changed who gave Harry the gillyweed. I always loved that Neville did it in the movie and even though I love Dobby, was kind of sad he was the one instead. Oh movie adaptations...sigh). I loved the Weasley's involvement in the book as well and also lamented the many scenes left out of the movie. Especially because the scene in the beginning when they come pick Harry up from the Dursley's was one of my favorite scenes I've read in any of the books so far!

I am really enjoying the unfolding of this world. Rowling has done a good job of pacing everything. Book 1, you meet everyone and get acquainted with wizarding customs. Book 2, expands on that a bit and the history of Hogwarts. Book 3, we see more of the world via Hogsmeade. Book 4, the world expands further and new schools are introduced. As a fellow writer I admire this slow and beautiful explanation of a world so vast I know Ms. Rowling hasn't written half of what is probably in her head. I can't wait to begin the fifth book as that is one I haven't even touched. Even though I have seen all of the films, there is still so much to be discovered in the novels that I am finding myself almost as excited as if I knew nothing about the series! Overall, The Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favorite, but The Goblet of Fire is a close second.

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